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St. Louis Periodontal Therapy

While many people think of going to the dentist only when there is a problem. However, a significant part of dentistry is preventative care. Periodontal therapy is typically used to prevent or treat gum disease (also known as periodontal disease). At Hawthorn Dental, we offer a number of forms of periodontal treatment to help improve your oral health. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain your gums and teeth in excellent health.

young woman smiling

Types of Periodontal Care

The types of periodontal therapy we may offer include:

  • Scaling
  • Antibiotics
  • Root planing
  • Occlusal adjustment
  • Non-surgical periodontal therapy

Call Us Today For A Consultation

If you have noticed any of the signs of periodontal disease or are concerned about preventing its development, our dentists are here to help. We want you to enjoy a healthy and pain-free mouth, so don’t hesitate to give us a call and schedule an appointment. Please contact one of our offices in South St. Louis County, MO!